

10 Awesome Avenues Min

10 Awesome avenues to spread a word about your campaign

Gaining awareness for a campaign can be tough without the right media. It may be great and timely, but not everyone will know about it if it doesn’t use the proper tools. Fortunately, there are 10 methods a campaign can use to gain attention.   Social media Putting the...

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Employee Branding Min

Employer branding during work from home setup

The Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) has made work from home the new normal. It lessens the possibility of contracting the virus and is more convenient than working at the office. While video calls are the new normal in conducting meetings, coordinating work, and catching up with teammates, they are...

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7 Reasons Why Min

7 Reasons Why You Should Sell Online

Consumers have gradually changed the way they like to buy over the last decade, and businesses have trouble keeping up. With this age, online selling not only lets you attract more customers and users with a successful website, but it also encourages you to market products and distribute services...

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How To Successfuly Run An Online Food Delivery Min

How to Successfully Run an Online Food Delivery Business

  Our society went under a paradigm shift starting from the very first imposed community lockdown. A once-bustling street filled with people going about their daily routine has now become nothing else but concrete roads and buildings. People are filled with a sense of disruption because of the heightened...

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10 tips on how to make your first online sale

E-commerce and online transactions have come a long way in recent years, and pressure to bring businesses to these platforms is greater than ever. If you want to start venturing in online selling, it’s best to know the 10 most notable online sales practices in 2020. Develop your e-commerce...

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Going Green: Why Eco-Friendly items are better for your restaurant business

The food industry has become progressively environmentally friendly. Indeed! Restaurants have now adapted to an eco-friendly and sustainable theme. We applaud and cheer you on here at Teetalk.ph. Your actions, like using eco-friendly items, not only benefits the environment, but also your business. Let’s talk about those. Customers will...

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How Giveaways And Contests Help Your Business Grow

How giveaways and contests help your business grow

Regardless of whether you own a start-up or a business, continuous growth is necessary for long-term success. One of the most successful ways to expand a company is by using giveaways and viral competitions to support your business. We at Teetalk.ph believe that giveaways and competitions can have an...

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Top View Women Accessoires To Travel Concept White Mobile Phone Airplane Hat Passport Watch Sunglasses On Wood Table

5 Top Employer Branding Giveaways This 2020

  Creating a trustworthy employer brand is a must for any company’s strategy as it helps businesses attract qualified employees, reduce hiring and marketing costs, and increase productivity. You seem to have laid out everything. But it lacks one ingredient: giveaways. The perfect event presents for the participants are...

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Protect Against Corona Virus Working At Home Office

Type of Businesses that Thrive during COVID-19

The Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has caused businesses to close forever. In the United States alone, experts project over 100,000 small businesses have “shut permanently since the pandemic escalated in March.” At least 2% of them are gone forever, according to a study conducted in May. However, there...

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Crowdfunding Wap Small

How to use crowdfunding to raise money for your cause

Do you have a cause that you are passionate about, but do not have the resources to start? Did you suddenly run out of resources for a project you have planned for a very long time? Crowdfunding will generate funds for your project, helping you launch it right on...

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