

Small Ass

How to prepare your workplace for the new normal

With the global health threat that is brought upon by COVID-19, it was inevitable that the economy would also take a big plunge. Laying-off of workers started as soon as the positive cases grew, some businesses filed for bankruptcy and closed, while those that survived are left only with...

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Small Ass Tshirt

Ultimate Guide to Designing an Event T-shirt

A customized shirt is a jack-of-all-trades tool used in events. Not only will it help advertise the event, but it also serves as memorabilia, promotion of your event’s identity, a unifier of the attendees, and of course, a way to raise money. Designing the perfect shirt can be intimidating...

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Smallass Ig

How To Use Instagram Like A Pro To Promote Your Cause

So you already created an account for your cause, but you have a question that begs to differ: How can I reach more people to join my cause? It’s no wonder you have to be involved on Instagram — a networking site with more than 1 billion active users...

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Small Ass Que

When to register or not register your charity drive

Did you recently decide to establish a charity? Well, that’s excellent news. The nation supports charities and looks forward to them to succeed. It requires patience and a sincere willingness to learn the basics of doing it correctly. However, step back for a minute and make sure that you...

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Smallass Oops

Crowdfunding A Cause: 5 Rookie Mistakes You Should Avoid

The presence of cyberspace gave rise to the popularity of crowdfunding by providing easier access to a crowd through real-time virtual interaction. However, having a low barrier of entering the scene of crowdfunding does not guarantee success.  In fact, according to the Crowdfunding Data Center, 80% of campaigns have...

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Smallass Ph

Top 5 fundraising causes Filipinos were crazy about in 2020

Are you wondering how you can raise funds this 2020? We at Teetalk.ph got you covered! The right concept for fundraising activities will create huge money for any cause. If you’re organizing a short event or an annual fundraiser, here are five ideas on the best fundraising activities that...

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Smallass Recog

Seven Creative tips for recognizing employee milestones

Knowing how to reward your employees for their achievements creates a healthy working environment. Giving the acknowledgment that your best-performing employees deserve will enhance their productivity and encourage their loyalty to your cause. Here at Teetalk.ph, we have compiled seven ways that would definitely add a unique touch on...

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Why Authenticity Matters Featured Img Opt

Why Authenticity Matters for Companies and Raising Funds

In the digital age where social media is prevalent, companies and businesses are forced to be more authentic as compared to the past. Access to information is easily available because of the internet and the world is linked more than ever through social media. This allows easier sharing of...

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