In fundraising events held for a cause, the organization’s end-goal is to be able to raise awareness and at the same time money. One of the ways that help the event’s success is having an item that will be up for sale for the supporters of the cause. Having the creative freedom to choose what type of item to sell, the organization has the opportunity to match it to their cause.
The potential buyers need to see the direct connection of the product they bought and the philanthropy of the event. This dives deeper into showing the supporters the message that the campaign holds and how they can personally lend a hand or two.
In understanding the heart of the campaign, we then get to choose the right product that will be able to communicate the tone of the mission. The following will be a list of product examples that can complement your cause.
On top of the list are apparel, specifically T-shirts. This is the most common item because it can be customized to be a straightforward visual representation of the campaign’s message. The appearance of your chosen graphic design can even strengthen the promotion of the campaign by creating a sense of community to the wearers of it.
A way to any person’s heart is through their stomach. This is why food and beverages are another crowd favorite. I mean, who doesn’t love to eat? With a wide variety of food or beverages to choose from, it is a great item for campaigns. Ranging from baked goods to full set meals and caffeinated drinks to fruits shakes. It can be the organization’s recipe created or it can also be in partnership with businesses that support the cause.
Art related causes can turn to art-based products. Namely paintings, hand-crafted jewelry or home décor, and portraits taken by your chosen photographers. It will be a great way to shoot two birds with only one stone since you get to promote your fundraiser and at the same time support your local artists.
When thinking about the environment, the image that our brain immediately shows is that of plants. Causes that are in support of saving or maintaining our eco-system can use plants as their products. The rise of plant moms and dads in their very own backyard gardens or condominium balconies, can raise the campaign’s fund goal and also encourage people to take care of living things other than themselves which is supporting the movement in their own ways.
If you’re feeling a little bit more extra by wanting to unify people for your cause in a more intimate manner, you can always choose tickets to an event you organized as your product. This can be for concerts, car shows, movies, museums and so on.
Teetalk.ph is here to help you get started on your fundraising today. Talk to our campaign enablers to navigate endless possibilities offered.
100 Unique Fundraising Ideas That Actually Work. (2019, May 20).
Moore, K. (2017, Jan 11). 6 Top-Notch Product Fundraising Ideas.
Morand, T. (2018, Aug 17). 200+ Amazing Fundraising Ideas Any Organization Can Try Today.
Top 10 Fundraising Products To Sell. (n.d.)